The DC Metro IIBA Chapter will host its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will look at what the Chapter has accomplished in the past year and needs to accomplish this year. Elections will take place for the multiple Board of Directors roles open. If you're interested in contributing to the members and filing a leadership role, please contact Mindy at If time permits, I hope a few of us will share our expertise using Lightening Talks. Join us!
The DC Metro IIBA Chapter will host its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will look at what the Chapter has accomplished in the past year and needs to accomplish this year.
If no one steps up to lead the chapter, then it will be deactivated on April 4, 2025.
6:00-6:30 Networking
6:30-7:30 Annual General Meeting - Elections will be held for all posts, a preview of the events for the year will be announced.
       If you would like to be part of the DC Board of Directors, please email for more information.
All positions in chapter leadership are volunteer positions, so there is no pay. However, it is an excellent way to gain leadership skills and learn how decisions are made in an organization run by a Board of Directors. Chapter leadership also provides CDUs for our certified individuals.
No experience necessary. We have training and mentorship available for you. Work is typically done in the evening and on weekends, on your schedule so that it doesn't interfere with your day job or family activities. Typical investment is about two to ten hours per month, so it is not a great deal of time investment.
Please consider giving your talents and dedication to the DC Metro IIBA Chapter, we are really in need of a few members to take leadership roles in DC. The more members that step up, the less work per individual there will be.
The chapter operates a few program areas for a full rounded program, including:
  •     Community
  •     Finance
  •     Membership
  •     Professional Development
  •     Sponsorships
Do any of those sound interesting to you? Do you have a background in any of them?
If you have any questions about this or are willing to take on a new role in chapter leadership, please reach out to Mindy at
If time is left in the hour, then we can hold lightening talks!
Bring your expertise and share what you know. Or ask a question to the experts in our membership. No preparation needed, this is adhoc speaking experience.


IIBA DC President